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Certified Personal Trainer 
and Fitness Coach

Born and raised in Israel. based in Tokyo since 2016. - CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

- Opex CCP coach

- NSCA certified Personal Trainer

- Trained in Muay Thai and Kickboxing since 2009

Though I loved Kickboxing from age 19, on my late 20's was going through a tough phase in my life that drove me to have a career change, as well as a mental and physical shift.

I wasn't always fit and strong. I understand the struggles and joys of the process. and i want to help you reach your goals as well. 

Goals may vary from person to person, or evolve with time; maybe your goal is living life pain-free, enjoy hikes with friends, or compete professionally in a sport. Whichever it is, a goal is what make us move, makes us love what we do, and makes us just keep going. 




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